Referring specifically to District 9 it is very noticeable that in the modern day use bricolage, this is when they mix different genres and styles and put it in to one film. This opens the film up to a wider range of audience for me people to enjoy.
One of the main genres of District 9 is sci - fi you are able to come to an understanding that this is sci - fi for the different connotations which are used through out the film for example more or less all sci - fi films use aliens and spaceships and this is repeated though out all sci - fi films. Also another key element is the non- diegetic sounds used through out this is used to build up tension through out the film and make it seem dramatic if there was no music being played through out the film then people would struggle to understand when something dramatic is happening and doesn't give you the shock factor.
A key scene which uses connotations of the sci-fi genre is the scene where Wikus is taken in to a hospital/ scientific experiment. In this scene you can see that they are using different scientific experiments on the aliens and using up to date technology this creates the miss en scene of dystopian as the world isnt perfect and this is showing that not everything is perfect at aliens are beginning to take over. Also you are able to see the transformation of Wikus on his arm as he has been infected by another alien his arm is beginning to transform in to an aliens arm, they then begin to use scientific experiments on him to work out what is going on. This is also very similar to 'The fly' as he is infected by another fly you can see that he is going through that transformation and he begins to change in to a fly. In both District 9 and The Fly when they begin to transform in to the alien and the fly the follow through similar steps for example pulling out their finger nails and pulling out their teeth. Although this shows transformation which relates to the sci-fi genre it is also very gruesome this can also include the genre of horror this is because they use very low key lighting to make it seem very dark and to begin to scare you and they also use non-diegetic music to build up tension and dramatise the scene to make the audience understand that it is scary and that they should be scared.
Also in alot of sci-fi films they use the narrative Todorov, most of these films begin with a equilibrium where everything is normal and then there is a dis equilibrium where they aliens begin to take over or the Fly begins to take over someones body. However in District 9 you are not able to see when the aliens come in and start to take over Johannesburg so the movie begins with a dis equilibrium, however at the end the aliens do leave and their equilibrium is then restored. Also to ensure that they have the audiences attention they create enigma codes for people to keep asking questions and the audience want to no the answers so they keep watching until the questions are answered.
Documentary is also used in District 9, they try to create the film as though it is from Wikus's point of view to make it seem more realistic. They create this mise en scene by using hand held cameras this make it seem a lot less professional and as though it is looking from his perspective as it is always looking at other people and the camera is shaky. An example of the scene is the one i referred to earlier of Wikus beginning taken in to do science experiments on him, in this scene they use the hand held camera a lot, when he is using the hand held camera it is of him lying down and looking up at the people in gowns this makes it seem that they are over powering him and he is just insignificant at this point however when they use the shallow depth of field it shows that he is the main focus of attention and is very important. In another clip it shows 4 different view points of looking at Wikus through a cctv camera you are able to confirm this as it is always from the corner of the room and it has letters and numbers going across the screen, this gives the impression that you are always being watched no matter what you do. They have also fast forwarded this clip to show hat time is passing and he hasn't moved any where.
Throughout all films they all have their own genres or mixed genres, you are able to understand what genre the film is as they use repetition in set genres to help people understand which genres they are for example sci- fi uses : Aliens, spaceships,transformation, technology. They also have a heroic character which saves everyone in District 9 although Wikus begins the film by trying to destroy the aliens and trying to get rid of them however by the end after he has begun to go through this transformation he becomes part of the aliens and works together with them to save them and becomes the heroic character. Also in the film 'Invasion of the body snatchers' when the group of people begin to feel threatened by this creature there is one man who stands forwards and does what he can by protecting the women and sending people out to go and help them.
District 9 also relates to E.T as both of the aliens just want to go home that is what they set out to do which shows that this is just a recycles narrative and both use biblical scene such as in District 9 as the alien spec ship begins to fly away it forms the shape of Jesus's cross. Also they use postmodernism's of repetition of the past.
In conclusion more or less all films are use mix genres to entice different audiences to watch these films and give off different effects such as horror is scary, and documentary and sic-fi.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Thursday, 28 November 2013
District 9 Cast
District 9 Cast
Wikus - The main character changes from being very selfish to a hero.
Sarah Livingston - Sociologist
Grey Badnam - UKNR Chief Correspondent/ Christopher Johnson
Obesjando - The villian who supplies all of the aliens with cat food for their weapons

Tanie - The main characters wife, she is also known as the princess as she is the innocent one in the whole movie.
Wikus - The main character changes from being very selfish to a hero.

Grey Badnam - UKNR Chief Correspondent/ Christopher Johnson

Tanie - The main characters wife, she is also known as the princess as she is the innocent one in the whole movie.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
How far do Tom Ford and Gucci perfume campaigns offer stereotypical aspirations?
How far do Tom Ford and Gucci perfume campaigns offer stereotypical aspirations?
I will be investigating how advertisements for Tom Ford [1] and Gucci perfume [2] use stereotypical aspirations in their campaigns and exploring the effects. To help analyse these advertisements I will be using theories such as Laura Mulveys theory 'male gaze' [11] and the objectification of women and their stereotypical gender roles; [6] I will also be looking at the hypodermic model and trying to establish how the audience is influenced. [9] It could be argued that these advertisements use different methods, as in Tom Ford’s campaign women are represented in a very controversial and objectified way, to sell the product to their target audience of both men and women. In Gucci's advertisement it is very different as they are using glamour to attract their audience. Uses and gratifications show a strong role model who is a celebrity, for example Blake Lively, is very glamorous, you are able to indicate this from the way she is presented in media, with subtle colors such as gold and the clothing she wears for example long dresses. This works on influencing women to buy this product as they want to be like this celebrity and the celebrity is the audience’s role model.
It is very clear that media has a huge impact on both men and women's lives. [13] In the past, women were always made out to be controlled by men and they were not capable of doing anything on their own. [3] Advertisements have long been sexist towards women and would portray them as subordinate to men. 'You mean a women can open it?' [3] Was a quote used from a poster from around the 1940s, however as the realisation came that this was discriminating towards women, the media soon began to change and make women more sexualised.[3]
It could be argued that in the present day the media influences the way men and women think, by showing models who have perfect body's and hair, focusing purely on appearance. [13] However this is not an accurate representation on women as many of the photos of models have been photoshopped to make them appear to look better then they are in reality. In terms of uses and gratifications the media use photoshop to make the 'perfect' human, this influences both men and women to look like these 'perfect models' and effect them, however it leads them to a false goal as it is not realistic. [12] These beauty standards affect the way women and men view the female body, women feel as though they should have this perfect body which is more or less impossible and they feel they can achieve this, which creates men to think this is the way women should look and if they don't they are not 'perfect'. 'From 2000 to 2009 there was a 36% increase in breast augmentation and a 84% increase in tummy tucks' [3], these results confirm the fact people are changing their body's to match how they look in the media and won't be happy until it's completely the same. A study has found that 50% of ads in women's magazines portray women as objects. [3]In advertisement women are also portrayed as sexually submissive, and the sexualisation of women in advertisement has become a lot more violent meaning that they women are in skimpy clothing and showing of all of their body parts to the camera and being very seductive towards the cameras.
However it could be argued that men are often represented as strong, dominant and aggressive, they are affected by the hyper-masculine stereotypes. 'Depression in men has increased dramatically in the past 2 decades' [5], this shows that media does have a huge impact on men and women and can lead to them having various illnesses.
Heavy exposure to media alters the viewers perception of social reality in a way that matches the media world' - Levin and Kilbourne. [4] 'Advertisement companies spend over £5 billion a year to tell you how to think. After a media report a shocking fact was found that only 30% of women are behind the published articles and a shocking 70% are men' [4], this shows that a lot of the media today is viewed in the way of a man which is very biased.
In terms of uses and gratification Tom Ford is very clever with this as they use different angles on the camera to show women belittling men, this gives connotations of power but also showing that men will abide by the women's request but also they are able to influence men to buy their aftershave as they make out that women will fall to their feet to be with them and that half naked women will soon come after them. In Tom Fords advertisement we are able to analyse this by using Mulveys theory the male gaze, Tom Ford is able to sell his products by using sex cells which use women as sex objects in order to attract men to buy his products. In Tom Fords perfume they intend to sell the product by objectifying women in order to attract men. He also uses enigma codes because people begin to wonder the extremes Tom Ford will go next so they become intrigued and excited for what he will release next. You can see that in Tom Fords advertisement the women are passive as they are just lying across the men they are not doing anything however the men are active as they are the ones who are controlling the advertisement, this is very stereotypical as it is represented that men are able to control women as the women abide by them.
In 'Tom Fords' advertisement he uses have very bright red lipstick and fingernails, which signifies desire as well as sexuality. [7] She has her mouth slightly open which is a very erotic signifier, this can also mean sexuality and submissiveness this is because when women show their mouths slightly open it can mean they are try to seduce you and make you obey to their commands, they also make her skin shiny by using oils, which makes it shiny and almost wet which evokes emotions of heat and passion. They create arousal and vulnerability by placing the fragrance bottle between the cleavage to entice the viewers to look at her breasts and between her thighs. All of these signs indicate that they are considered to be sexually impure or 'dirty' the white background can signify purity and innocence. Tom Ford’s main objectives are, to make the audience feel aroused and excited by his sexy fragrance. In terms of uses and gratifications they use close ups on breasts and carefully covering areas between her thighs which are very explicit, they also use close ups on sensitive areas such as your mouth and fingers to make them more sexualized. They also have high key lighting, which can give a sense of innocence and not abiding by the rules. The different props that they use are the perfume bottles and place them very provocatively to get the audience excited and astonished. The mise en scene for this perfume advertisement is to create a setting, which is very simple but stands out very strong such as the red lipstick and fingernails but it also being very simple has an effect on the audience.
However in Gucci's perfume its main audience is for women as it is using glamour women will feel they are highly thought of and known as someone who is glamorous and not sexualised, this may make them feel that they are more unique and independent. The mode of address which Gucci use is that women can be glamorous, we do not need to be objectified we can have our own independence. Gucci intend to sell the perfume to women through love and romance. At the beginning of the Gucci advertisement it uses mise en scene by having Blake Lively over looking some outstanding scenery looking out over the city with all of the lights lighting up the city and wearing a long golden dress, which fits to the curves of her body. The gold is used to show glamour but it is also a very bold colour which makes her stand out from everything around her to show her importance in this advertisement also it fits to the curves of her body for women to aspire to be like her and be jealous of her appearance, this then influences women to buy this perfume. The mise en scene used through out this advertisement shows how women have power and independence Gucci are able to do this by making Blake Lively appear to stand out from the surrounding environment and although there is no one else in the room it shows power through her strides. The lighting on this advertisement differs because in the background it is very low key lighting however it is very high key lighting which spotlights Blake Lively this again shows her importance and makes her stand out, it also signifies innocence. She then imagines herself with a handsome man and she is able to get him; this will have an effect on the audience, as it will make the audience feel they are able to get any man. They use a very respectable and well known celebrities such as Blake Lively to sell their product this is to sell the product to the audience who are familiar with this celebrity and aspire to be like her. In terms of uses and gratifications they are able to do this by using well known celebrities who have a good reputation to advertisement this is a key to selling a perfume and ensuring it is a big hit. [15] [18]
In Tom Fords advertisement with perfume especially his most recent campaigns for example Neroli Portofino they use very explicit pictures and videos of women’s breasts and in-between her thighs on women for example his perfume/ aftershave and eye wear, using this technique makes it possible to encode, this effects the audience by making the men feel if they use this after shave women will get naked and want to be with them. It also creates social integration as more and more people begin to talk about their advertisement and become overwhelmed with it.
Tom Ford aims at his audience by making the men feel that if they use this perfume they can get any women that they want, because of this it is a very closed text which leaves little room for the audiences interpretation. Tom Ford uses a very clever technique by enticing and shocking the audience and creating enigma codes for people to have unanswered questions by a very sexually explicit advertisement this entices the audience in and in terms of uses of gratifications the social integration theory is used by shocking the audience which makes them talk to others about what they have seen. He is very clever on how he positions his fragrance bottles to sell his product as men may feel that it will assist them to find a girl. [18] An example of this was Robin Thickes music video when the ASA quoted "particularly the shots of the women's bodies with their heads obscured and the shot of the woman on all fours". [14] This is very shocking advertisement for people who are not accustomed to these sort of advertisements it may stick on their mind, it could be argued that this is what Tom Ford is trying to achieve. However we live in a increasingly sexual culture where these sorts of images are becoming a lot more 'normal'.[12]
How far do Tom Ford and Gucci perfume campaigns offer stereotypical aspirations? Tom Ford and Gucci take this quite to an extent however in very different ways. Tom Ford influences the audience to buy this product by using shock tactics and making men feel as though they can get any women they desire, however Gucci make women feel they have importance and can be dignified and feel well presented by using a glamour technique. Tom Ford is able to use social integration to be able to sell his products as people begin to talk about how shocking it is which makes more people look at it even if it was to be band. [16] Through this research I have been able to prove how Tom Fords advertisement is a success all though very explicit it has a huge impact on the audience. Also in Gucci's advertisement they don't want the women to be made out as sex objects or the women wouldn't buy this product so they show them as respectful women. Overall with using these different techniques they are both very successful and do their job of selling their perfume to their target audience. [17]
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
[1] - Tom ford perfume advertisement
[2] - Gucci perfume advertisement
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
[6] -
[7] -
[8] -
[9] -
[10] Advertising and Reality: A Global Study of Representation and Content edited by Amir Hetsroni 2012
[11] Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema (1975) - Laura Mulvey
[17] Advertisement uncut 1/2/3/4
[18] Understanding Audiences: Theory and Method By Andy Ruddock 2001
[19] Naomi Wolf - The Beauty Myth
[2] - Gucci perfume advertisement
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -
[6] -
[7] -
[8] -
[9] -
[10] Advertising and Reality: A Global Study of Representation and Content edited by Amir Hetsroni 2012
[11] Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema (1975) - Laura Mulvey
[17] Advertisement uncut 1/2/3/4
[18] Understanding Audiences: Theory and Method By Andy Ruddock 2001
[19] Naomi Wolf - The Beauty Myth
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Representation of men and women in the media
Representation of men and women in the media
In the past, women were always made out to be insignificant and manipulated, advertisements have long been sexist towards women and would portray them as subordinate to men. 'You mean a women can open it?' however as the realisation came that this was discriminating women, the media soon began to change to sexualising women.
In the present day media controls the way men and women think. These beauty standards affect the way women and men view the female body. From 2000 to 2009 there was a 36% increase in breast augmentation and a 84% increase in tummy tucks. a study has found that 50% of ads in wen magazines portray women as objects.In advertisement women are also portrayed as sexually submissive, and the sexualisation of women in advertisement has become a lot more violent.
However men are often represented as strong, dominant and aggressive, however they are affected by the hyper-masculine stereo types. Depression in men has increased dramatically in the past 2 decades, which shows that media does have a huge impact on men and women and can lead them to various illnesses.
Media plays a strong role in how we view each other and ourselves but how would ads look if they were reversed? they would look very silly.
'Heavy exposure to media alters the viewers perception of social reality in a way that matches the media world' - Levin and Kilbourne. Advertisement companies spend over £5 billion a year to tell you how to think.
After a media report a shocking fact was found that only 30% of women are behind the published articles and a shocking 70% are men, this shows that a lot of the media today is viewed in the way of a man which is very bias.
Women are not the only ones who do get effected by the media today men also do.
Hyper-masculinity is an extreme form of masculine gender ideology that consist of four inter-related beliefs:
-Toughness as emotional self-control
-Violence as manly
-Danger as exciting
-Calloused attitudes towards women and sex
The study found that 56% of the advertisements portrayed at least one or more hyper-masculine belief. They also found that two of the magazines depicted at least one hyper-masculine belief in 90% or more of its advertisements. The researchers claim that through print ads, products are paired with representations of culturally "ideal" hyper-masculine men which can be harmful because it normalizes and encourages these traits as socially acceptable and desired.
In the past, women were always made out to be insignificant and manipulated, advertisements have long been sexist towards women and would portray them as subordinate to men. 'You mean a women can open it?' however as the realisation came that this was discriminating women, the media soon began to change to sexualising women.
In the present day media controls the way men and women think. These beauty standards affect the way women and men view the female body. From 2000 to 2009 there was a 36% increase in breast augmentation and a 84% increase in tummy tucks. a study has found that 50% of ads in wen magazines portray women as objects.In advertisement women are also portrayed as sexually submissive, and the sexualisation of women in advertisement has become a lot more violent.
However men are often represented as strong, dominant and aggressive, however they are affected by the hyper-masculine stereo types. Depression in men has increased dramatically in the past 2 decades, which shows that media does have a huge impact on men and women and can lead them to various illnesses.
Media plays a strong role in how we view each other and ourselves but how would ads look if they were reversed? they would look very silly.
'Heavy exposure to media alters the viewers perception of social reality in a way that matches the media world' - Levin and Kilbourne. Advertisement companies spend over £5 billion a year to tell you how to think.
After a media report a shocking fact was found that only 30% of women are behind the published articles and a shocking 70% are men, this shows that a lot of the media today is viewed in the way of a man which is very bias.
Women are not the only ones who do get effected by the media today men also do.
Hyper-masculinity is an extreme form of masculine gender ideology that consist of four inter-related beliefs:
-Toughness as emotional self-control
-Violence as manly
-Danger as exciting
-Calloused attitudes towards women and sex
The study found that 56% of the advertisements portrayed at least one or more hyper-masculine belief. They also found that two of the magazines depicted at least one hyper-masculine belief in 90% or more of its advertisements. The researchers claim that through print ads, products are paired with representations of culturally "ideal" hyper-masculine men which can be harmful because it normalizes and encourages these traits as socially acceptable and desired.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Explore the ways in which your chosen texts reinforce or challenge typical representations of gender?
Explore the ways in which your chosen texts reinforce or challenge typical representations of gender?
In the film sin city they back up mulveys theory as the representation of women in this film is highly negative. The women sleep around with different men and prance around in very skimpy clothing they are also very seductive, so the men use this women and sex objects and like to over power them. Throughout the film a lot of the women try to have their own view and opinions on different matters however the men make them feel insignificant and control them in to things that they may not want to do. This backs up mulveys theory of the male gaze as the men are always looking at the women as though they are sex objects, I feel this is the reason why the women act in the way they do, because otherwise they wont get noticed or made to feel special to anyone. When the camera is on the women the are looking down on them to make it seem that the men are over powering them an manipulating them.
In the film fish tank, it is set an a lower class background so the girls are always wearing the same dirty clothes and so are the men. However when the man becomes involved in the young girls life, the male gaze begins to b3e put in to place as she begins to dance he watches her and watches the way her body moves. However mulveys theory is also shown it is not always correct because as he takes his top off the young girl watches the man in a very sexual way which doesn't back up mulveys theory. They also use repetition when the young girl enters her fantasy mode she breathes very heavily and that is the centre of attention and what is focused upon.
Within both of the films they are both very differently challenged with representation as sin city back up the male gaze theory however fish tank doesn't.
In the film sin city they back up mulveys theory as the representation of women in this film is highly negative. The women sleep around with different men and prance around in very skimpy clothing they are also very seductive, so the men use this women and sex objects and like to over power them. Throughout the film a lot of the women try to have their own view and opinions on different matters however the men make them feel insignificant and control them in to things that they may not want to do. This backs up mulveys theory of the male gaze as the men are always looking at the women as though they are sex objects, I feel this is the reason why the women act in the way they do, because otherwise they wont get noticed or made to feel special to anyone. When the camera is on the women the are looking down on them to make it seem that the men are over powering them an manipulating them.
In the film fish tank, it is set an a lower class background so the girls are always wearing the same dirty clothes and so are the men. However when the man becomes involved in the young girls life, the male gaze begins to b3e put in to place as she begins to dance he watches her and watches the way her body moves. However mulveys theory is also shown it is not always correct because as he takes his top off the young girl watches the man in a very sexual way which doesn't back up mulveys theory. They also use repetition when the young girl enters her fantasy mode she breathes very heavily and that is the centre of attention and what is focused upon.
Within both of the films they are both very differently challenged with representation as sin city back up the male gaze theory however fish tank doesn't.
Sin city
Sin city
Sin city is a very stereotypical film for its film noir, femme fatal and comic book conventions. At the beginning it opens in black and white as it is shown to be a very old film but it has been made in the present day. Sin city uses a lot of diegetic sound as that is a part of the comic book conventions however they are highly exaggerated. In the beginning scene it begins to rain which shows pathetic falasy which creates emotion through the film and affects the audience. It uses a lot of comic book conventions such as making it look inky in the scenes which doesn't make it look very realistic also they highlight the woman's eyes by making them green this can show jealousy and mistrust. They also highlight the woman's dress by making it red this can show passion and strength.
Film noir is used very typically as through out the film it is in black and white, also it uses a voice over which helps to tell the characters state of mind.
Throughout the film venishan blinds are used which is very stereotypical convention of the genre for the 40's it also makes it seem very mysterious and old fashioned. The representation of women in this film is thought about very negatively, they are represented in a way that they are sex objects and stand around half naked a lot of the time. This backs up mulveys theory of the male gaze very accurately as the men are always looking to the women and controlling them a lot of the time. Using propps theory it is very clear that 'Heartigan' is the hero in this and he is try to protect and look after the princess which is 'Nancy'.
They use a lot of technical aspects such as diegetic sounds to make sounds like a comic book, such as 'whooshing sounds'. They also use very different camera angles such as a high angle shot to over power people and make them seem insignificant.
Sin city is a very stereotypical film for its film noir, femme fatal and comic book conventions. At the beginning it opens in black and white as it is shown to be a very old film but it has been made in the present day. Sin city uses a lot of diegetic sound as that is a part of the comic book conventions however they are highly exaggerated. In the beginning scene it begins to rain which shows pathetic falasy which creates emotion through the film and affects the audience. It uses a lot of comic book conventions such as making it look inky in the scenes which doesn't make it look very realistic also they highlight the woman's eyes by making them green this can show jealousy and mistrust. They also highlight the woman's dress by making it red this can show passion and strength.
Film noir is used very typically as through out the film it is in black and white, also it uses a voice over which helps to tell the characters state of mind.
Throughout the film venishan blinds are used which is very stereotypical convention of the genre for the 40's it also makes it seem very mysterious and old fashioned. The representation of women in this film is thought about very negatively, they are represented in a way that they are sex objects and stand around half naked a lot of the time. This backs up mulveys theory of the male gaze very accurately as the men are always looking to the women and controlling them a lot of the time. Using propps theory it is very clear that 'Heartigan' is the hero in this and he is try to protect and look after the princess which is 'Nancy'.
They use a lot of technical aspects such as diegetic sounds to make sounds like a comic book, such as 'whooshing sounds'. They also use very different camera angles such as a high angle shot to over power people and make them seem insignificant.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Fish tank
Social realism:
issues and themes-
It is set in a very run down flat which shows that it is very realistic and not just a set which has been put up. They use a lot of tracking shot this is to make you feel involved and to focus upon certain objects. Dancing in a an abandoned flat is very typical of this genre, it also uses a lot of natural lighting to make it realistic and you can see that it is diegetic sounds when she is dancing as it is echoing and very tinny. She also uses a lot of swear words which her young sister uses which suggest she has learnt from her mum. This film shows ways of how mulveys theory can be wrong as it uses a female gaze when the man takes his top and a male gaze when the man is watching her dance. In this film it also always shows it from the girls point of view until the man turn to look at her, which shows all her view points and actions. When the girl becomes in contact with the horse she gets very attached and wants to set the horse free this could signify her life as she is also trapped and unable to get anywhere. Her breathing is very closely focused on this is when she begins to go in to her fantasy world and everything slows down and begins in to slow motion. Also because it gets so intense and realistic it begins to make you feel uncomfortable. It also uses a lot of tracking shot which makes you feel more involved. It also uses a lot of pathetic fallacy to make the weather have an effect on your emotions. She is a very naïve young girl who feels she is amazing at dance when she isn't very good at all. The prop theory is used when she steals the young girl who is the princess to make the 'hero' in her eyes come and save her but who is really the villain. It has a very strong representation of women suggesting that they are sex objects and can be easily controlled. The horse is then shot as it was too od, and she begins to cry which is the first time in the whole film which shows her vulnerability also as the horse was 16 and the girl is only 15. She is brought up with some nasty habits like swearing and drinking she also vandalises the mans house by weeing on the floor which suggests she's like an animals. They also name there dog after alcohol. She finally gets away in a car which can suggest freedom that she has finally managed to escape.
issues and themes-
- Prostitution
- Abortion
- Homosexuality
- Alienation
- Relationship problems
It is set in a very run down flat which shows that it is very realistic and not just a set which has been put up. They use a lot of tracking shot this is to make you feel involved and to focus upon certain objects. Dancing in a an abandoned flat is very typical of this genre, it also uses a lot of natural lighting to make it realistic and you can see that it is diegetic sounds when she is dancing as it is echoing and very tinny. She also uses a lot of swear words which her young sister uses which suggest she has learnt from her mum. This film shows ways of how mulveys theory can be wrong as it uses a female gaze when the man takes his top and a male gaze when the man is watching her dance. In this film it also always shows it from the girls point of view until the man turn to look at her, which shows all her view points and actions. When the girl becomes in contact with the horse she gets very attached and wants to set the horse free this could signify her life as she is also trapped and unable to get anywhere. Her breathing is very closely focused on this is when she begins to go in to her fantasy world and everything slows down and begins in to slow motion. Also because it gets so intense and realistic it begins to make you feel uncomfortable. It also uses a lot of tracking shot which makes you feel more involved. It also uses a lot of pathetic fallacy to make the weather have an effect on your emotions. She is a very naïve young girl who feels she is amazing at dance when she isn't very good at all. The prop theory is used when she steals the young girl who is the princess to make the 'hero' in her eyes come and save her but who is really the villain. It has a very strong representation of women suggesting that they are sex objects and can be easily controlled. The horse is then shot as it was too od, and she begins to cry which is the first time in the whole film which shows her vulnerability also as the horse was 16 and the girl is only 15. She is brought up with some nasty habits like swearing and drinking she also vandalises the mans house by weeing on the floor which suggests she's like an animals. They also name there dog after alcohol. She finally gets away in a car which can suggest freedom that she has finally managed to escape.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Representation - American Beauty /James Bond - Die another day
American beauty -
American beauty shows how the male gaze is put in to place and how it is used. It begins as the male father catches eyes on the young girl and a spotlight begins to shine on her in his mind which separates her from all the other girls and makes her unique and different. A slow zoom then begins on his face focusing on his eyes and the reactions he has and and there are reverse shots to her with another slow zoom which suggests that it is just them two focusing on each other. As the the camera begins to zoom in the diegetic music begins to change to non diegetic and slows down this is to create a tension between the man and girl. This also begins to create a fantasy mode for him as none of this is really happening he is just wishful thinking and is all happening in his own mind. You then begin to get an extreme close up of the males eyes which shows he is mesmerised by this girl and her actions and his mouth is slightly open which can show he is gob smacked and near enough drooling over this girl. The camera then follows the girls body and zooms in of fragmentations of her body to make it a lot more sexualised and suggests she is a sex object, they use a tilt camera to follow the figure of her body which makes the girl a lot more sexualised. The camera is being male as it is only looking from a males point of view and sexualising the women. When the slow motion begins as it is zoomed in on the girl a bell is being played in the background which suggests that she is only young as it can signify school bells also it can signify as a fire bell which suggests they must leave the building immediately.
The audience is from the males point of view as the women is being sexualised and it is showing you they way he thinks and how it is shown it also uses the camera as a male as it shows from a males point of you and how they sexalise women. The male are in the active audience as they are being shown there point of view and the women are the passive audience because they are not showing there point of view.
The girls are represented as a stereotypical cheerleading american for example short skirts, badges and hair tied up. However the daughter is a stereotypical moody teenager as she is always angry at her parents and not wanting to no about her life and whats going on in it. The man which is admiring the young women is around middle aged which could show that he is having a mid life crisis and looking at a lot younger girls at his age. However his wife signifies as stereotypical wife as she is just looking out for her child and happy to be around her by clapping and being happy and not realising that anything is wrong.
James Bond - Die another day -
This differs a lot from the first analysis as this is showing the representation of men. As the clip begins James Bond is looking through the binoculars as the women who is in the sea. It shows a tracking shot as it scans the landscape looking for the women. When he focuses in on the women it begins to have a close up of the women in her bikini and uses a tilting shot and begins to use slow motion as she walks up to the beach which causes tensions and sexualises her and it focuses in on her body. However as she reaches James she becomes a lot more controlling. They use a lot of close ups of both of their faces which then show sit from the women's point of view as she is just focusing upon his face and nothing else. He then begins to talk about how he is different to all other men pointing towards the people over to other side with women sat on there laps to try and win her over. They also use a close up of the mans cigar which can show that he is a lot more masculine then other men as it is very strong to smoke and not very many people do. Also because not many people do smoke this it can show that he is unique and different compared to others. In this text the roles reverse as the women becomes a lot more active as she is taking control and plays more of apart as she begins to flirt with him however he becomes a lot more passive as he does not play a bigger part in this. They also use zoom o get close up of different fragments of her body to make it more sexualised.
The audience is from both the men and women's point of view as i begins the male is checking the women out and following her figure and body however as the women becomes more involved in the clip she becomes the point of view as she become more controlling and looks at him more.
The women is represented as a very stereotypical women as she wars a tight skimpy bikini to show of her body and figure and also is soaking wet as she begins to walk up towards the beach. the man is also very stereotypical as he is looking at the women through binoculars which focuses in on her body and shows that it can be very perverted. However he tries to show hat he is different from others as he points to others who treat girl like sex objects which is a stereotypical view point of men.
American beauty shows how the male gaze is put in to place and how it is used. It begins as the male father catches eyes on the young girl and a spotlight begins to shine on her in his mind which separates her from all the other girls and makes her unique and different. A slow zoom then begins on his face focusing on his eyes and the reactions he has and and there are reverse shots to her with another slow zoom which suggests that it is just them two focusing on each other. As the the camera begins to zoom in the diegetic music begins to change to non diegetic and slows down this is to create a tension between the man and girl. This also begins to create a fantasy mode for him as none of this is really happening he is just wishful thinking and is all happening in his own mind. You then begin to get an extreme close up of the males eyes which shows he is mesmerised by this girl and her actions and his mouth is slightly open which can show he is gob smacked and near enough drooling over this girl. The camera then follows the girls body and zooms in of fragmentations of her body to make it a lot more sexualised and suggests she is a sex object, they use a tilt camera to follow the figure of her body which makes the girl a lot more sexualised. The camera is being male as it is only looking from a males point of view and sexualising the women. When the slow motion begins as it is zoomed in on the girl a bell is being played in the background which suggests that she is only young as it can signify school bells also it can signify as a fire bell which suggests they must leave the building immediately.
The audience is from the males point of view as the women is being sexualised and it is showing you they way he thinks and how it is shown it also uses the camera as a male as it shows from a males point of you and how they sexalise women. The male are in the active audience as they are being shown there point of view and the women are the passive audience because they are not showing there point of view.
The girls are represented as a stereotypical cheerleading american for example short skirts, badges and hair tied up. However the daughter is a stereotypical moody teenager as she is always angry at her parents and not wanting to no about her life and whats going on in it. The man which is admiring the young women is around middle aged which could show that he is having a mid life crisis and looking at a lot younger girls at his age. However his wife signifies as stereotypical wife as she is just looking out for her child and happy to be around her by clapping and being happy and not realising that anything is wrong.
James Bond - Die another day -
This differs a lot from the first analysis as this is showing the representation of men. As the clip begins James Bond is looking through the binoculars as the women who is in the sea. It shows a tracking shot as it scans the landscape looking for the women. When he focuses in on the women it begins to have a close up of the women in her bikini and uses a tilting shot and begins to use slow motion as she walks up to the beach which causes tensions and sexualises her and it focuses in on her body. However as she reaches James she becomes a lot more controlling. They use a lot of close ups of both of their faces which then show sit from the women's point of view as she is just focusing upon his face and nothing else. He then begins to talk about how he is different to all other men pointing towards the people over to other side with women sat on there laps to try and win her over. They also use a close up of the mans cigar which can show that he is a lot more masculine then other men as it is very strong to smoke and not very many people do. Also because not many people do smoke this it can show that he is unique and different compared to others. In this text the roles reverse as the women becomes a lot more active as she is taking control and plays more of apart as she begins to flirt with him however he becomes a lot more passive as he does not play a bigger part in this. They also use zoom o get close up of different fragments of her body to make it more sexualised.
The audience is from both the men and women's point of view as i begins the male is checking the women out and following her figure and body however as the women becomes more involved in the clip she becomes the point of view as she become more controlling and looks at him more.
The women is represented as a very stereotypical women as she wars a tight skimpy bikini to show of her body and figure and also is soaking wet as she begins to walk up towards the beach. the man is also very stereotypical as he is looking at the women through binoculars which focuses in on her body and shows that it can be very perverted. However he tries to show hat he is different from others as he points to others who treat girl like sex objects which is a stereotypical view point of men.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Film trailer - The place beyond the pines
The representation of men in this trailer is very strong and powerful they are represented in this way by showing that they have tattoos and muscular bodes. They also have very strong voice which shows they are very over powering. Although they show the men being very powerful they also are shown to be mischievous and adventurous by taking part in motor biking and smoking and causing problems and disasters. Also at the beginning the men are sexualised as he lifts his shirt of and takes it off this makes him out to be a sex object. it differs a lot when it comes to the women as they are manipulated and made out that they do not how any power over them. This is shown by the men pushing women to one side and ignoring them, they also make out that they are moaning a lot and just getting in the way of what they are wanting to do.The non diegetic sound which is played over the top of the trailer is off a man being very stern and strong which gives the opinion that the men are ruling this. When the men are on the film a lot of high key lighting is used which suggests it is a lot more up beat and powerful.This is a very stereotypical viewpoint of men and women as it is shown in many films that men always over power women and it is right for them to do so the men are also very controlling over the women and feel that they are able to over power them and make them do what they want however the women do just abide by the men. Also when the men go in to the bank to go and rob the place there is only a women in there which suggests that the women aren't strong enough or controlling enough to put a stop to it. When a man is speaking t a women they use a high angle shot to show that the men are over looking the women and making them out to be insignificant. The women in this trailer are always having to be empathised with as they are always crying or upset so the men are having to look over the women and comfort them to give them support. The lighting when the women are on screen generally are low key lighting which suggests that they are very upset and degraded.
TV programme - CSI
In many CSI programmes they all set the scene in a very stereotypical way for example they begin with enigma codes which means lots of questions are being asked as you are wondering what is going on and who has been killed and what the situation is this will all then be revealed at the end of the programme, this encourages the audience to carry on watching as it leaves unanswered questions. They also provide a lot of flash backs which provides you with information about what has happened in the past and builds up a lot of tension. Also todorov is used as they police are going about there normal lives until thy discover something that has happened in this case finding lots of different bodies which then creates a non equilibrium as they are now not going about there normal lives and having to discover what has happened and why, it will all then be restored when these questions have been answered.The representation of women in this programme differs as all of the bodies which are being dug up are all women which suggests that they are a lot more vulnerable. However the women police are more dominant and seem to no more then the men do about this situation and are controlling the men on what to do, however the men do try to become more controlling they do not succeed. This programme is very patriotic as it is american which suggest that it is to love, support and protect ones country and its people. This is shown as the police are very protective about there own country and there role as a job is to protect citizens and discover and unanswered questions. in this programme they are presenting dominant ideology, this is because women are equal to men as the women behaviour in a way that they no just as much as the men do and they are able to control the men and show them that understand what is going on.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
The villain - is the man who forces James to try and shoot the shot glass on top of the girls head as it is wrong and he knows that james is not able to shoot as well as he could after his accident.
The hero - is James Bond this is because he feels he is not able to shoot this girl as she is innocent and has not done anything wrong and he knows his shot isn't as good as it was so he misses by a mile so that he doesn't have to shoot her. However he is not able to save the girl but he mages to kill the helper and you can see that he is heroic through the non digetic sounds.
The helper - is the other man who is holding james at gun point so that if he turns the gun against the villain he can easily shoot James
The Princess - is the women who has been tied up and shot as she has not done anything wrong but has been killed for being innocent.
The genre of Skyfall is an action film you can tell this as there is a lot going on at once, for example there are lots of men in suites which makes them seem very important and formal, they then tie an innocent women up and hold her at gun point, when the gun is pulled out they use a close up of the gun to show that it has some importance. The setting of this clip is on top of a building which shows they like risking their lives. The music which is played in the background builds up tension and makes you wonder if you will shoot her, then when he kills the helper the music plays shows that he is heroic as it is more up beat music.
Todorov -
At the being the equilibrium is normal and James is living his normal life.
Then non - equilibrium happens as he is then captured and made to shoot a girl which he does not want to do.
In the clip we do not see the ending so we don't no if the equilibrium is then restored.
Casino Royale
Propp -
Hero - the hero in this is James Bond as he manages to save the girl from being killed and kills the other man, you can see that he protects her and looks after her.
Princess - Is the women who is nearly killed as she is being protected by James however you can hear through the non digetic sounds that she is very sad and lonely.
Vilain- this is the man which is trying to kill James and the princess you can tell this as the non digetic sounds show that the action is very fast and tense.
The genre of Casino Royale is action because there is a lot of non digetic sounds which creates build up and tension as you don't no what is going to happen, also the camera angles are very short and sharp to make it seem that a lot going on and very quickly. The setting this clipped is played in is a corridor which makes it seem a lot less formal and the lighting is low key which makes it seem very dark and mysterious. It also shows a close up of smashed glass which indicates someone is hurt.
Todorov -
At the beginning it shows the non equilibrium as james is having to fight for his life and this is not a normal day to day life.
It then reaches the restoration as everything goes back to normal.
Sleepy Hollow
Propp -
Villain- Is the women who cut the girls hair and was trying to kill their young girl, you are able to tell this as they use a low angle shot to show that she is looking down at the girl and is overpowering her as she is bigger and more important. There are also non diegetic sounds when she is talking showing that she is scary and building up tension.
Princess - This is the girl who has been woken and is innocent yo can tell this by the costumes she is wearing and the high angle shot shows that she is lonely and innocent.
Hero - is the older man who manages to get the girl and boy out of the building and set fire to everything below them.
Hero's helper - The other younger boy tries to save the young girl to start with however he is not strong enough and is unsuccesful.
Genre - this is a horror, you are able to identify this as there is a lot of low key lighting which is a stereotypical viewpoint of a horror, also there is a lot of dark cloud and thunderstorms which builds up tension and scares the audience. They also use a tracking shot when the horses are running through the forrest this helps you feel involved in the scene and builds up a lot of tension as the non diegetic sound is being played of the horses running which makes the audience scared and nervous. It also shows that they are in a grave yard which is generally a very scary place for anyone to be. Also the villain is holding a skull which shows she is bad and not good and makes you ask questions to where the skull has come from.
Todorov -
Equilibrium - the young girl is just sleeping and nothing has happened just yet and she doesn't realise what is about to happen.
Non- equilibrium - she is then awoken by the witch and everything unravels to what is going on and she is then having to fight for her own life even though she is innocent as hasn't done anything wrong.
The villain - is the man who forces James to try and shoot the shot glass on top of the girls head as it is wrong and he knows that james is not able to shoot as well as he could after his accident.
The hero - is James Bond this is because he feels he is not able to shoot this girl as she is innocent and has not done anything wrong and he knows his shot isn't as good as it was so he misses by a mile so that he doesn't have to shoot her. However he is not able to save the girl but he mages to kill the helper and you can see that he is heroic through the non digetic sounds.
The helper - is the other man who is holding james at gun point so that if he turns the gun against the villain he can easily shoot James
The Princess - is the women who has been tied up and shot as she has not done anything wrong but has been killed for being innocent.
The genre of Skyfall is an action film you can tell this as there is a lot going on at once, for example there are lots of men in suites which makes them seem very important and formal, they then tie an innocent women up and hold her at gun point, when the gun is pulled out they use a close up of the gun to show that it has some importance. The setting of this clip is on top of a building which shows they like risking their lives. The music which is played in the background builds up tension and makes you wonder if you will shoot her, then when he kills the helper the music plays shows that he is heroic as it is more up beat music.
Todorov -
At the being the equilibrium is normal and James is living his normal life.
Then non - equilibrium happens as he is then captured and made to shoot a girl which he does not want to do.
In the clip we do not see the ending so we don't no if the equilibrium is then restored.
Casino Royale
Propp -
Hero - the hero in this is James Bond as he manages to save the girl from being killed and kills the other man, you can see that he protects her and looks after her.
Princess - Is the women who is nearly killed as she is being protected by James however you can hear through the non digetic sounds that she is very sad and lonely.
Vilain- this is the man which is trying to kill James and the princess you can tell this as the non digetic sounds show that the action is very fast and tense.
The genre of Casino Royale is action because there is a lot of non digetic sounds which creates build up and tension as you don't no what is going to happen, also the camera angles are very short and sharp to make it seem that a lot going on and very quickly. The setting this clipped is played in is a corridor which makes it seem a lot less formal and the lighting is low key which makes it seem very dark and mysterious. It also shows a close up of smashed glass which indicates someone is hurt.
Todorov -
At the beginning it shows the non equilibrium as james is having to fight for his life and this is not a normal day to day life.
It then reaches the restoration as everything goes back to normal.
Sleepy Hollow
Propp -
Villain- Is the women who cut the girls hair and was trying to kill their young girl, you are able to tell this as they use a low angle shot to show that she is looking down at the girl and is overpowering her as she is bigger and more important. There are also non diegetic sounds when she is talking showing that she is scary and building up tension.
Princess - This is the girl who has been woken and is innocent yo can tell this by the costumes she is wearing and the high angle shot shows that she is lonely and innocent.
Hero - is the older man who manages to get the girl and boy out of the building and set fire to everything below them.
Hero's helper - The other younger boy tries to save the young girl to start with however he is not strong enough and is unsuccesful.
Genre - this is a horror, you are able to identify this as there is a lot of low key lighting which is a stereotypical viewpoint of a horror, also there is a lot of dark cloud and thunderstorms which builds up tension and scares the audience. They also use a tracking shot when the horses are running through the forrest this helps you feel involved in the scene and builds up a lot of tension as the non diegetic sound is being played of the horses running which makes the audience scared and nervous. It also shows that they are in a grave yard which is generally a very scary place for anyone to be. Also the villain is holding a skull which shows she is bad and not good and makes you ask questions to where the skull has come from.
Todorov -
Equilibrium - the young girl is just sleeping and nothing has happened just yet and she doesn't realise what is about to happen.
Non- equilibrium - she is then awoken by the witch and everything unravels to what is going on and she is then having to fight for her own life even though she is innocent as hasn't done anything wrong.
Friday, 13 September 2013
First Paragraph
The representation of women and men through advertising and various theories are very stereotypical and very common, i will explore this. Through advertising, specifically perfume advertsiing women and men are represented as sex objects this is used so that it influences the opposite sex to buy these perfumes as they they feel that men or women will then be attracted to them because of how it is advertised, for example where the perfume is placed and the reation people have when you wear this perfume. In Tom Fords advertisement women are represnted in a very contoversial and objectified way, this is to help sell the product to their target audience which is men and women. In Guccis advertisment it is very different as they are using glamour to get across to thei audience. I will be using different theories such as Laura Mulverys theory 'male gaxe' and objectification of women and their stereo typical gender roles; i will also be looking at the hypodermic needle.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Male gaze
Laura Mulvey
Mulvey claimed that women have turned in to sex objects, through how they are shot in the media today (cinematogrophy). They do this by showing only body parts and not the whole body (including face) they are turned on to objects for male pleasure. She called this fragmentation that lead to objectification.
Recent Representations of Feminity
Recent feminity has been associated with a stronger more independant women and confident women, while still bein stereotypically representated as 'sexy'.
This owes much to the spice girls with their 'Girl Power' and the emergence of succesfull women in buisness, the arts and the media.
This owes much to the spice girls with their 'Girl Power' and the emergence of succesfull women in buisness, the arts and the media.
Explore the ways in which your chosen texts reinforce or challenge typical representations of gender?
Generally perfume adverts have conventions:
- High key lighting
- Soft enticing music
- Glamorous models
- Certain genders being sexualised
- Trying to hit their target audience by using them as sex objects
- Always have the brand name
- Famous celebrities to entice the audience
- The narrator always has a soft sexual voice
What the audience expect from the texts/genre?
The audience's expectations from perfume adverts are that they will be very sexualised to try and entice the different genders or very glamorous so that it makes the audience feel that they can be glamorous and the same things can happen to them. They also expect there to be the name of the perfume they are selling and the maker of this perfume as it is an 'advertisement'. The perfume bottle also can be placed in very sexual places such as above as it catches the audiences attention which makes people begin to talk about it.
Sex in advertising
Tom Ford
There is a lot of buzz surrounding the sexually provocative ads heralding Tom Ford's fragrance for men. More provocative is the website flash presentation of the fragrance bottle strategically placed around a women's breasts and groin (there's as much buzz about the model's shaved pubic region).
The approach is not surprising given Ford's history with designer brands. He was creative director for Gucci and YSL. During his very successful tenure at both brands, he reinvigorated them with cutting-edge sexually featuring nudity and pornographic themes that include female same-sex images (lesbian chic).
Given the sexually-laden promotions he's chosen to run in the past, Ford's current campaign does accurately represnt the brand's essence: If the fragrance carries his name, it's about sex.
A study several years ago found that about half of all fragrances were positioned with sex. True, fragrance can play a role in the attraction formula, but fragrance is unique in that it really has little meaning aside from the images it is associated with. In this case, Tom Ford is fairly certain that money will be made with his current campaign. He would know.
Tom Ford’s latest cologne ad might be considered a little crude, but the sexy advertising technique is certainly proving effective. The commercial is getting a lot of attention for the provacative image of a woman grabbing her unnaturally round, full breasts with her manicured hands, pressing them. In Tom Ford’s risque new campaign, just like his last ad, (see below) a very nude woman is featured wearing nothing but the product. This time, instead of being placed between her cleavage, it was placed between her legs.
“The company, reacting to the predominance of erotic products which makes a person more attractive to another, has bottled the smell of sex (in the form of a “beguiling vaginal scent”) and is selling it as a fragrance for men to wear seemingly to bring them pleasure in the absence of the real thing,” AdRants said.


Tom Ford
There is a lot of buzz surrounding the sexually provocative ads heralding Tom Ford's fragrance for men. More provocative is the website flash presentation of the fragrance bottle strategically placed around a women's breasts and groin (there's as much buzz about the model's shaved pubic region).
The approach is not surprising given Ford's history with designer brands. He was creative director for Gucci and YSL. During his very successful tenure at both brands, he reinvigorated them with cutting-edge sexually featuring nudity and pornographic themes that include female same-sex images (lesbian chic).
Given the sexually-laden promotions he's chosen to run in the past, Ford's current campaign does accurately represnt the brand's essence: If the fragrance carries his name, it's about sex.
A study several years ago found that about half of all fragrances were positioned with sex. True, fragrance can play a role in the attraction formula, but fragrance is unique in that it really has little meaning aside from the images it is associated with. In this case, Tom Ford is fairly certain that money will be made with his current campaign. He would know.
Tom Ford’s latest cologne ad might be considered a little crude, but the sexy advertising technique is certainly proving effective. The commercial is getting a lot of attention for the provacative image of a woman grabbing her unnaturally round, full breasts with her manicured hands, pressing them. In Tom Ford’s risque new campaign, just like his last ad, (see below) a very nude woman is featured wearing nothing but the product. This time, instead of being placed between her cleavage, it was placed between her legs.
“The company, reacting to the predominance of erotic products which makes a person more attractive to another, has bottled the smell of sex (in the form of a “beguiling vaginal scent”) and is selling it as a fragrance for men to wear seemingly to bring them pleasure in the absence of the real thing,” AdRants said.
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