Tuesday 22 October 2013


[1] - Tom ford perfume advertisement
[2] - Gucci perfume advertisement
[3] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaB2b1w52yE&feature=youtu.be
[4] - http://www.thesaint-online.com/2012/11/the-representation-of-women-in-the-media/
[5] - http://www.policymic.com/articles/41949/men-are-hurt-by-sexist-ads-too-new-study-says
[6] - http://geniusbeauty.com/celebrity-gossip/christina-aguilera-is-the-new-photoshop-victim/#.UI_C7o4iFvc
[7] - http://www.global-customer.com/images/Fragrance_Tom%20Ford/Tom%20Ford_Fragrance_18.jpg
[8] - http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-gossip/blake-lively-stars-in-gucci-premiere-1207835
[9] - http://www.utwente.nl/cw/theorieenoverzicht/Levels%20of%20theories/macro/Hypodermic%20Needle%20Theory.doc/
[10]  Advertising and Reality: A Global Study of Representation and Content  edited by Amir Hetsroni 2012
[11] Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema (1975) - Laura Mulvey http://imlportfolio.usc.edu/ctcs505/mulveyVisualPleasureNarrativeCinema.pdf
[12] http://www.pinterest.com/kimastrum/no-makeup-photoshop-and-airbrushing-oh-my/
[13] http://www.beautyredefined.net/photoshopping-altering-images-and-our-minds/
[14] http://news.sky.com/story/1152186/robin-thicke-ad-banned-from-air-before-19-30
[15] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrzHWaHhyPE
[16] http://www.tappernet.com/marketingworkshop/targetaud.htm
[17] Advertisement uncut 1/2/3/4
[18]  Understanding Audiences: Theory and Method By Andy Ruddock 2001
[19] Naomi Wolf - The Beauty Myth

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Representation of men and women in the media

Representation of men and women in the media

In the past, women were always made out to be insignificant and manipulated, advertisements have long been sexist towards women and would portray them as subordinate to men. 'You mean a women can open it?' however as the realisation came that this was discriminating women, the media soon began to change to sexualising women.
In the present day media controls the way men and women think. These beauty standards affect the way women and men view the female body. From 2000 to 2009 there was a 36% increase in breast augmentation and a 84% increase in tummy tucks. a study has found that 50% of ads in wen magazines portray women as objects.In advertisement women are also portrayed as sexually submissive, and the sexualisation of women in advertisement has become a lot more violent.
However men are often represented as strong, dominant and aggressive, however they are affected by the hyper-masculine stereo types. Depression in men has increased dramatically in the past 2 decades, which shows that media does have a huge impact on men and women and can lead them to various illnesses.
Media plays a strong role in how we view each other and ourselves but how would ads look if they were reversed? they would look very silly.
'Heavy exposure to media alters the viewers perception of social reality in a way that matches the media world' - Levin and Kilbourne. Advertisement companies spend over £5 billion a year to tell you how to think.
After a media report a shocking fact was found that only 30% of women are behind the published articles and a shocking 70% are men, this shows that a lot of the media today is viewed in the way of a man which is very bias.

Women are not the only ones who do get effected by the media today men also do.
Hyper-masculinity is an extreme form of masculine gender ideology that consist of four inter-related beliefs:
-Toughness as emotional self-control
-Violence as manly
-Danger as exciting
-Calloused attitudes towards women and sex

The study found that 56% of the advertisements portrayed at least one or more hyper-masculine belief. They also found that two of the magazines depicted at least one hyper-masculine belief in 90% or more of its advertisements. The researchers claim that through print ads, products are paired with representations of culturally "ideal" hyper-masculine men which can be harmful because it normalizes and encourages these traits as socially acceptable and desired.

Monday 14 October 2013

Explore the ways in which your chosen texts reinforce or challenge typical representations of gender?

Explore the ways in which your chosen texts reinforce or challenge typical representations of gender?

In the film sin city they back up mulveys theory as the representation of women in this film is highly negative. The women sleep around with different men and prance around in very skimpy clothing they are also very seductive, so the men use this women and sex objects and like to over power them. Throughout the film a lot of the women try to have their own view and opinions on different matters however the men make them feel insignificant and control them in to things that they may not want to do. This backs up mulveys theory of the male gaze as the men are always looking at the women as though they are sex objects, I feel this is the reason why the women act in the way they do, because otherwise they wont get noticed or made to feel special to anyone. When the camera is on the women the are looking down on them to make it seem that the men are over powering them an manipulating them.
In the film fish tank, it is set an a lower class background so the girls are always wearing the same dirty clothes and so are the men. However when the man becomes involved in the young girls life, the male gaze begins to b3e put in to place as she begins to dance he watches her and watches the way her body moves. However mulveys theory is also shown it is not always correct because as he takes his top off the young girl watches the man in a very sexual way which doesn't back up mulveys theory. They also use repetition when the young girl enters her fantasy mode she breathes very heavily and that is the centre of attention and what is focused upon.
Within both of the films they are both very differently challenged with representation as sin city back up the male gaze theory however fish tank doesn't. 

Sin city

Sin city

Sin city is a very stereotypical film for its film noir, femme fatal and comic book conventions. At the beginning it opens in black and white as it is shown to be a very old film but it has been made in the present day. Sin city uses a lot of diegetic sound as that is a part of the comic book conventions however they are highly exaggerated. In the beginning scene it begins to rain which shows pathetic falasy which creates emotion through the film and affects the audience. It uses a lot of comic book conventions such as making it look inky in the scenes  which doesn't make it look very realistic also they highlight the woman's eyes by making them green this can show jealousy and mistrust. They also highlight the woman's dress by making it red this can show passion and strength.
Film noir is used very typically as through out the film it is in black and white, also it uses a voice over  which helps to tell the characters state of mind.
Throughout the film venishan blinds are used which is very stereotypical convention of the genre for the 40's it also makes it seem very mysterious and old fashioned. The representation of women in this film is thought about very negatively, they are represented in a way that they are sex objects and stand around half naked a lot of the time. This backs up mulveys theory of the male gaze very accurately as the men are always looking to the women and controlling them a lot of the time. Using propps theory it is very clear that 'Heartigan' is the hero in this and he is try to protect and look after the princess which is 'Nancy'.
They use a lot of technical aspects such as diegetic sounds to make sounds like a comic book, such as 'whooshing sounds'. They also use very different camera angles such as a high angle shot to over power people and make them seem insignificant.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Fish tank

Social realism:
issues and themes-
  • Prostitution
  • Abortion
  • Homosexuality
  • Alienation
  • Relationship problems
Fish tank -
It is set in a very run down flat which shows that it is very realistic and not just a set which has been put up. They use a lot of tracking shot this is to make you feel involved and to focus upon certain objects. Dancing in a an abandoned flat is very typical of this genre, it also uses a lot of natural lighting to make it realistic and you can see that it is diegetic sounds when she is dancing as it is echoing and very tinny. She also uses a lot of swear words which her young sister uses which suggest she has learnt from her mum. This film shows ways of how mulveys theory can be wrong as it uses a female gaze when the man takes his top and a male gaze when the man is watching her dance. In this film it also always shows it from the girls point of view until the man turn to look at her, which shows all her view points and actions. When the girl becomes in contact with the horse she gets very attached and wants to set the horse free this could signify her life as she is also trapped and unable to get anywhere. Her breathing is very closely focused on this is when she begins to go in to her fantasy world and everything slows down and begins in to slow motion. Also because it gets so intense and realistic it begins to make you feel uncomfortable. It also uses a lot of tracking shot which makes you feel more involved. It also uses a lot of pathetic fallacy to make the weather have an effect on your emotions. She is a very naïve young girl who feels she is amazing at dance when she isn't very good at all. The prop theory is used when she steals the young girl who is the princess to make the 'hero' in her eyes come and save her but who is really the villain. It has a very strong representation of women suggesting that they are sex objects and can be easily controlled. The horse is then shot as it was too od, and she begins to cry which is the first time in the whole film which shows her vulnerability also as the horse was 16 and the girl is only 15. She is brought up with some nasty habits like swearing and drinking she also vandalises the mans house by weeing on the floor which suggests she's like an animals. They also name there dog after alcohol. She finally gets away in a car which can suggest freedom that she has finally managed to escape.